
Monday, July 20, 2009

Walls Going Up

Three walls, putting fourth one up today!


Went out to dinner Saturday night with Casey, Courtney and Ryder. They came out to the house afterwards and the two boys made mud with water and played in it. They were pretty funny, stayed out until dark.

Looks like he liked the cake!

Chase' Birthday Party

We went to Chase's 2nd Birthday party yesterday and it was a kids paradise! We had a total melt down when we had to leave. Once again, I could not get him out of their pool! He was in there for like 2 hours..........even if the other kids were doing something else.

Park at Suncadia.

Boys and Dirt..............

This is at our house last week, can't get him out of the water these days.

Bigger Belly Smaller Hair

Finally cut off all my hair, feels so much better! In this picture I am 33 weeks. I am on the home stretch now, can't wait to meet this little person:)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mother Helper

Mckinley came in to play the other day while Tyler was helping Marcus with some work outside. She was totally into changing diapers....................have at it Mckinley!!

Hannah in the Jr. Rodeo. Did three events:)


After the baby shower we went to Rees and Melissa's for a little bit. I continued to hang out with my friends in town while Dad took this little guy swimming in their pool. He loved it, could not get him out!

I am so glad we got to see Kacey's little Amaya, what a doll!

Fun in the pool at the baby shower. It was really nice they had stuff set up for the kids to do since it was so hot!

Baby Shower

Next we went on the Lindsey's baby shower. In this picture it goes left to right........Lindsey, me, Kacey and Amy. We all went to high school together, so good to see each other. Lindsey is due September 17th, I am due September 1st, Kacey is not expecting but Amy is due I think February 11th. Amy just found out she is 9 weeks along. Kacey was telling us to stay away and not touch her during this picture just in case we were contagious:)

Cake Time

Peyton taking a turn, she broke the first little bit.

Taking a swing at the pinata, not strong enough to break it though. He thought the suckers were pretty neat that he got to keep:)

Busy Weekend

I had a really busy weekend of parties. Very fun! We went to Bianca's fourth Birthday party and had a blast.

Work Crew

Construction Zone

Here are more pics on the house construction. Putting in the water lines.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wild Cow Milking

Marcus and Randy took first place in the Wild Cow Milking this year! They have taken 2nd for I think 4 years in a row so they were pretty pumped. I have a video but probably too big to post.

Marcus Cow Riding


He loved these things...........should have bought more I guess!

4th of July

This year we went to the annual Chesaw Rodeo where Marcus does the cow riding and wild cow milking with Randy. Our little guy ended up getting a flu bug and felt really bad. He made memories by puking all over everyone in the stands at the was pretty bad. This picture was before all the action! I did not get too many pics because I was busy taking care of him. All I have are a few videos from my camera.